The City of Stuttgart formed the “Sewer District” on April 5th, 1905, added to the district May 1917, June 1918, 1920 and a wastewater treatment plant was completed in 1924. In 1953 a new wastewater treatment plant was built that included a bar screen, master lift station, a primary clarifier, sludge pump station, a floating top digester and 3 drying beds. Today the wastewater treatment plant has a rated capacity to treat 3.5 million gallons per day, has a 48 million gallon equalization pond, tertiary treatment, belt press, and heat dries the sludge making EQ sludge which can be used for soil amendment.
The City of Stuttgart purchased the existing waterworks from Arkansas Power & Light on May 1, 1942 because the water system didn’t provide sufficient water for fighting fires and for many of the residences in the new additions to the city. They were unwilling at that time to make necessary improvements to provide additional water. H.C. Stump was Mayor and E.J. Hoolihan was City Clerk. The water system was scheduled to be paid off on May 1, 1979. In 1956 a new water treatment plant was built. In 1957 a 70,000 gallon clearwell was added, 1963 a 775,000 clear well and 2 more water filters were added. In 1991 the water plant was renovated and a solids contact clarifier was added were it could produce 4 million gallons a day. An additional water treatment plant was built in 1979 to meet the demand. Stuttgart Municipal Water Works has (2) well water treatment plants that can produce 4 million gallons of water per day each. A total of 6 wells, 5 elevated storage tanks with 2.5 million gallons of capacity, 135 miles of waterlines and the water system has 4,400 meter connections. In 2008 Stuttgart Municipal Water Works was the first in the State of Arkansas to install the “Sensus FlexNet Radio Read” electronic water meter reading system.
Stuttgart Municipal Water Works is a municipal owned, customer oriented organization providing water and wastewater service for its customers in an economical, clean, reliable way and consistently meeting or exceeding industry standards and practices. Stuttgart Municipal Water Works has approximately 30 employees.